Goteo API usage in Angular JS

This example was developed during the Goteathon event organised by in MediaLab Prado in Madrid.

One of the main topics was API so two of us being among attendees wanted to contribute in practice, to test and implement API within the specific framework that we are both in high favour as a developers - Angular JS. We thought it may be useful as an addition to existing API docs and usage examples.

Our example and contribution you can see on the right side, it also shows a simple tab-like navigation in Angular JS. Content is loaded by doing a request to Goteo API. All data rendered in tab panels is a response from API url that is parsed and prepared for tabs

Note that explanations are given within the code itself, as a code docu.

Code Example (check it on GitHub)


We have been developing ECF Labs, a very specific case where an old Drupal database (existing since platform version 1.0) is used as an API provider, backend engine that would serve raw data in JSON to Angular JS.
Frontend and 90% of the logic and processing is done by code in Angular and layout, styles, animations as well as responsive design are done from scratch as modern CSS3/HTML5 interface related to "Angular way".

Here is the link to the ECF Labs platform - that got released as AngularJS beta on 1st of May 2015; we are more than curious for any feedback!


Gianfranco Pooli,